Category Archives: Subversion

Eclipse and Version Control (SVN)

My C++ project is now in Fedora Eclipse (Version: 3.4.1 Based on build id:  20080911-1700) and the perennial question comes up…

Q: What files am I required to checkin to version control (SVN)?
A: .cproject and .project

If you are testing the checkin on your machine there is one caveat. Delete the project from the Project Explorer. Then use the Import command from the File menu. This process will create some of the temporary files that were not checked-in but expected to be there when building the project.

Subversion (SVN) has Keyword Substitution Support

All the details are here.  But in a nutshell:

  • It must be turned on for each file via the command line.  For my project I issued:
  • svn propset svn:keywords "Revision" PuffinApp.rc

  • The setting is stored in the database so it doesn’t need to be done on other clients
  • You must enable for each keyword desired.
  • Keywords include: DateRevisionAuthorHeadURL, and Id (a brief synopsis)

Update 11/10: Cornerstone has the ability to add these directly.  Go to the Properties tab on a file and look for the Keywords field.  The key icon just below the field is there for easy entry.